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Female sexual dysfunction-Problems


Has your sex life lost some of its spark because your body feels unresponsive or you're just not interested? You might take comfort in knowing that as many as four in 10 women have the same problem at some point in their lives.

If you have persistent or recurrent problems with sexual response — and if these problems are making you distressed or straining your relationship with your partner — what you're experiencing is known medically as female sexual dysfunction.

Female sexual dysfunction has many possible symptoms and causes. Fortunately, they're almost all treatable. Communicating your concerns and understanding your anatomy and your body's normal response to sexual activity are important steps toward gaining sexual satisfaction.


You can develop female sexual dysfunction at any age, but sexual problems are most common when your hormones are in flux — for example, when you've just had a baby or when you're making the transition into menopause. Sexual concerns may also occur with major illness, such as cancer.

Your problems might be classified as female sexual dysfunction if you experience one or more of the following and you're distressed about it:

  • Lack of sexual desire -your desire to have sex is low or absent.
  • Inability to become aroused -You can't maintain arousal during sexual activity, or you don't become aroused despite a desire to have sex.
  • Lack of orgasm, or sexual climax -You cannot experience an orgasm.
  • Painful intercourse-You have pain during sexual contact.


Several factors may contribute to sexual dissatisfaction or dysfunction. These factors tend to be interrelated.

  • Physical. Physical conditions that may cause or contribute to sexual problems include arthritis, urinary or bowel difficulties, pelvic surgery, fatigue, headaches, other pain problems, and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Certain medications, including some antidepressants, blood pressure medications, antihistamines and chemotherapy drugs, can decrease your sex drive and your body's ability to achieve orgasm.
  • Hormonal. Lower oestrogen levels during the menopausal transition may lead to changes in your genital tissues and your sexual responsiveness. The folds of skin that cover your genital region (labia) become thinner, exposing more of the clitoris. This increased exposure sometimes reduces the sensitivity of the clitoris, or may cause an unpleasant tingling or prickling sensation.

In addition, the vaginal lining becomes thinner and less elastic, particularly if you're not sexually active. At the same time, the vagina requires more stimulation to relax and lubricate before intercourse. These factors can lead to painful intercourse (dyspareunia), and achieving orgasm may take longer.

Your body's hormone levels also shift after giving birth and during breast-feeding, which can lead to vaginal dryness and can affect your desire to have sex.

  • Psychological and social. Untreated anxiety or depression can cause or contribute to sexual dysfunction, as can long-term stress. The worries of pregnancy and demands of being a new mother may have similar effects. Longstanding conflicts with your partner — about sex or any other aspect of your relationship — can diminish your sexual responsiveness as well. Cultural and religious issues and problems with your own body image also may contribute.

Emotional distress can be both a cause and a result of sexual dysfunction. Regardless of where the cycle began, you usually need to address relationship issues for treatment to be effective.

When to seek medical advice

If sexual problems are undermining your relationship or disrupting your peace of mind, make an appointment with your doctor for evaluation.

Female sexual dysfunction is generally divided into the following four categories, which are not mutually exclusive:

  • Low sexual desire. You have diminished libido, or lack of sex drive.
  • Sexual arousal disorder. Your desire for sex might be intact, but you have difficulty or are unable to become aroused or maintain arousal during sexual activity.
  • Orgasmic disorder. You have persistent or recurrent difficulty in achieving orgasm after sufficient sexual arousal and ongoing stimulation.
  • Sexual pain disorder. You have pain associated with sexual stimulation or vaginal contact.

Sexual response is a complex interaction of many components, including physiology, emotions, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle and relationships. If any one of these components is disrupted, sexual drive, arousal or satisfaction may be affected.

Non medical treatment for female sexual dysfunction
you can improve your sexual health by enhancing communication with your partner and making healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Talk and listen. Some couples never talk about sex, but open and honest communication with your partner can make a world of difference in your sexual satisfaction. Even if you're not used to communicating about your likes and dislikes, learning to do so and providing feedback in a non threatening manner can set the stage for greater sexual intimacy.
  • Practice healthy lifestyle habits. Avoid excessive alcohol. Drinking too much will blunt your sexual responsiveness. Also, stop smoking and start exercising. Cigarette smoking restricts blood flow throughout your body and less blood reaching your sexual organs means decreased sexual arousal and orgasmic response. Regular aerobic exercise can increase your stamina, improve your body image and elevate your mood, helping you feel more romantic, more often. Finally, don't forget to make time for leisure and relaxation. Learning to relax amid the stresses of your daily life can enhance your ability to focus on the sexual experience and attain better arousal and orgasm.
  • Strengthen pelvic muscles. Pelvic floor exercises can help with some arousal and orgasm problems. Doing Kegel exercises strengthens the muscles involved in pleasurable sexual sensations. To perform these exercises, tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping your stream of urine. Hold for a count of five, relax and repeat. Do these exercises several times a day.

Your doctor also may recommend exercising with vaginal weights — a series of five weights, each increasingly heavier, that you hold in place in your vagina — to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. You gradually work up to heavier weights as your muscle tone improves.

  • Seek counselling. Talk with a counsellor or therapist specializing in sexual and relationship problems. Therapy often includes education about normal sexual response, ways to enhance intimacy with your partner, and recommendations for reading materials or couples exercises. With a therapist's help, you may gain a better understanding of your sexual identity, beliefs and attitudes; relationship factors including intimacy and attachment; communication and coping styles; and your overall emotional health.

Sex therapy

Sex therapy is a short-term form of counselling, generally involving 5 to 20 sessions with a sex therapist. A typical session may be one hour every week or every other week.

During the session, the counsellor will give the patient "assignments" to do at home, such as:

  • Reading books about sexuality
  • Touching exercises that are designed to take away the pressure to perform during sex
  • Practicing better sexual communication skills

Sex therapy may be useful for treating erectile dysfunction if a man is able to have a normal erection during sleep, the results of his physical examination and blood tests are normal and he is generally in good health. Sex therapy may also be helpful when erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, such as: work worries, financial worries, relationship conflicts, and poor sexual communication. In these cases, sex therapy may be the best treatment option.

Does sex therapy work?

Sex therapy is most effective when a man’s sexual partner is willing to be part of the treatment. Studies have shown that for men with stress-related ED, having the partner involved in the therapy resolves the problem 50%-70% of the time. When the man must go through counselling alone, the results are somewhat lower.

For Treatment, Counselling and Sex Therapy

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Female Sexual Problems Treatment & Counselling

Sexual dysfunction is defined as a disturbance in, or pain during, the sexual response. This problem is more difficult to diagnose and treat in women than it is in men because of the intricacy of the female sexual response.

FSD classified into four categories:
  1. Hypoactive sexual desire is the persistent or recurrent deficiency (or absence) of sexual fantasies or thoughts and/or the lack of receptivity to sexual activity.
  2. Sexual arousal disorder is the persistent or recurrent inability to achieve or maintain sufficient sexual excitement, expressed as a lack of excitement or a lack of genital or other somatic re-sponses.
  3. Orgasmic disorder is the persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay, or absence of attaining orgasm after sufficient sexual stimulation and arousal.
  4. Sexual pain disorder includes dyspareunia (genital pain associated with sexual intercourse); vaginismus (involuntary spasm of the vaginal musculature that causes interference with vaginal penetration), and non coital sexual pain disorder (genital pain induced by non coital sexual stimulation).

Each of these definitions has three additional subtypes (1) lifelong versus acquired; (2) generalized versus situational; and (3) of organic, psychogenic, mixed, or unknown causative origin.

Traditionally, sexual dysfunction in women was thought to be largely due to psychological problems. Recent research is beginning to uncover many physical causes for sexual problems in women. While many sexual problems have an underlying psychological component, possible physical causes must be ruled out in the initial examination.

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Changes related to menopause
  • Communication problems with partner
  • Damage to nerves due to surgery or trauma
  • Fear of pain, infection, or being pregnant
  • Feelings of guilt and shame about sex
  • History of sexual abuse
  • Infection or gynecological disease
  • Lack of appropriate stimulation
  • Lack of lubrication
  • Medication

Signs and symptoms
Sexual dysfunction manifests in a variety of ways. It is important to elicit specific signs and symptoms because many women make generalizations about their sexual problems—describing the trouble as a decrease in libido or overall dissatisfaction. Other women may be more specific and recount pain with sexual stimulation or intercourse, anorgasmia, delayed orgasm, and decreased arousal. Postmenopausal women with oestrogen deficiency and vaginal atrophy may also describe a decrease in vaginal lubrication.

Diagnosis of FSD
  • Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is characterized by an absence of libido.
  • There is no interest in initiating sex and little desire to seek stimulation.
  • Sexual aversion disorder is characterized by an aversion to or avoidance or dismissal of sexual prompts or sexual contact.
  • It may be acquired following sexual or physical abuse or trauma and may be life-long.
  • The main feature of female sexual arousal disorder is an inability to achieve and progress through the stages of "normal" female arousal. Female orgasmic disorder is defined as the delay or absence of orgasm after "normal" arousal.
  • Dyspareunia is marked by genital pain before, during, or after intercourse.
  • Vaginismus is the involuntary contraction of the perineal muscles around the vagina as a response to attempted penetration. Contraction makes vaginal penetration difficult or impossible.
  • These disorders must cause personal distress and must not be accounted for by a medical condition. A distinction is made between disorders that are life-long and those that are acquired, as well as those that are situational and generalized.

Treatment for sexual dysfunction will depend on the cause. It may include changes in your current sexual activities, stopping or changing medications where possible, adding a new medication, Referral to a specialist with expertise in treating sexual dysfunction may be necessary. Psychological counseling may be recommended.

For Direct or Online Consultations

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Vivekanantha Homoeo Clinic & Psychological Counselling Centre
Dr.D.Senthil Kumar, B.H.M.S., M.D(Alt Med)., M.Phil(Psy)
Consulting Homoeopath & Psychologist

Chennai Camp
(Consultation by Appointment only)
Every Sunday: - 11.00 am to 04.00 pm
Sri Chakra Flats
No.54-F3 vijaya nagar 3rd Main road
(Nearby Vijayanagar Bus Terminus)

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Ø  We are allotting 40 to 5o minutes for new patients & 15 to 20 minutes for follow-ups.
Ø  So be there at time to avoid unwanted waiting
Ø  For Psychological consultation “we concentrate more to client’s privacy, so we are allotting 40 to 50 minutes/client – so be there at time”

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Vivekanantha Homoeo Clinic & Psychological Counselling Center
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Cuddalore district,
Tamil nadu,

Monday to Saturday
10.30 am to 12.45 pm & 05.30 pm to 9.00 pm

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